Friday, February 11, 2011

Love Bug.

BLATY (sounds like lady)Bug.

And I've spent the last 28 years thinking this was a "lady bug".. who knew? ;)

I adore 1st grade.

Happy weekend my lovelies. After teaching k/1st science all day long and then basking in a 2 hour sunshine filled walk home from my teaching assignment today I am ready to sit back and relax. Mr. Jones has a fun "guys night" planned while I will be perfectly content baking valentines cupcakes and watching the Friday Night Hallmark movie "Smooch" all whilst snuggled in my pink pj's feeling all kinds of girly.

tgif my dears and a very lovey dovey valentines weekend to you all.

xoxo- miss v


  1. You're so cute!! This is seriously the girliest warm and fuzzy post ever, love it!! And that blaty bug is too cute :) Enjoy your night!!

  2. You had a 2 hour walk home?!!? please explain!

  3. That is the cutest little ladybug! And you are too stinking cute as well! :)


  4. I LOVE it! Blaty Bug :) So precious!!
