The tree is up, decorated and glowing giving our home the final touch of Holiday cheer. It looks lovely and I may or may not have crept out of bed to take a million photos of it last night, or turn on the lights and just grin... I am in love with having the house decorated, the scented candles glowing and the cold weather outside with the heaters blasting and the gas bill growing inside.. ;) oops.
I would love to say that it was a lovely experience, that cutting down your own tree is effortless and that dragging it through your lovely buildings reception area leaving a trail of needles all the way up the elevator and through the hallways is no big deal..that it fit seamlessly into the base without the aide of a steak knife to get rid of a few pesky branches, but I can't.. it was kind of a pain. Will I do it all over again next year, you betcha!! It's my favorite family tradition and just because the fam is 3000 miles away this xmas didn't mean that Mr. Jones and I weren't going to follow through!!
After switching days to cut down the tree because Saturday decided to be wet, rainy and stormy, we set out Sunday morning, sun shining, enjoying our Christmas music to none other than Santa's Tree Farm! A family tradition for the last 16 years!
Love it!
Next up on the agenda was lunch at the traditional seafood restaurant, since the farm is near the ocean! We enjoyed a long lunch overlooking the Pacific and were excited to head home and begin decorating!
So cheesy but I couldn't resist
When all was said and done the tree ended up looking beautiful and sparkling...
I will share the rest of the tiny details and decor later in the week hope you've all had a great Monday and enjoyed that really long post about my tree hahah...
XOXO- Miss V
XOXO- Miss V