Monday, May 23, 2011

Take a moment...

I just wanted to put together a quick post to say I'm thinking, praying and saddened by the terrible destruction in Joplin, as well as all of the other states and areas that have been so horribly hit by what seems like an unending stream of tornadoes. I'm sure you've all heard about it on the news by now and it's impossible to not feel something but if you're reading my blog today then I'm hoping that's just one more positive vibe, loving thought, or prayer sent their way. It's easy to be so far away and hear terrible news like that and then just move on with your day, but the blogging world makes things so much more personal and you "meet" or get to know people who are closely affected by devastation like this. If you don't already follow Leslie at Lamberts Lately then please take a moment to read about the tornado's that affected Alabama late last month, I think it makes such a difference hearing it from one of "our" voices. Count your blessings today my loves.

xoxo- miss v


  1. My hubby has family in Joplin and thankfully they're all okay! It's just terribble what happened!

  2. I have been thinking about this is so horrible...
