Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Love Day.

Just wanted to say Happy Valentines day to all my blog friends. Spreading the love all over the place today! Looking forward to celebrating with my students today, and with hardly any convincing at all Mr. Jones has agreed to a casual dinner and then a movie date to see The Vow. ;)  Wishing you all a day filled with love from friends, family and loved ones.

 Someone was extra prepared. I came home to these after work yesterday.
love him.

You were made perfectly to be loved - and surely I have loved you, in the idea of you, my whole life long.

- Emily Barrett Browning

My favorite love quote.
Happy Valentines lovelies.
XOXO- Miss V.


  1. Score 10 for Mr. Jones! Such a sweet gesture.

    Happy Valentines Day Miss V! Wishing you a beautiful love (and some lust) filled day <3

  2. beautiful flowers! yall are adorable together! hope you are doing well!

