This week I thought I would highlight a few school related items that I'm pretty excited about.
I took my 1st official class pictures a few weeks ago! I have my teachers badge (yay discounts) and my first staff photo! I am super excited about this, although I must say nothing changes with individual school pictures. Standard I hate mine. I've never been over the moon about my school pictures and at 28 I still feel like I can't take a good one to save my life. Oh well, I guess Mom will still appreciate it. Haha.
Our "Silly" Staff. Standard Kylie and I, the shorties are up front and center, some things about school photos never change.
Wish I could share my class photos but I try to limit images of the kiddos as much as I can. They're pretty adorable though. ;)
In other school related news I am LOVING that my 10 year HS reunion is the Friday after Thanksgiving!
A lot of people from my graduating class are still friends with their HS friends and a lot of us ended up back in SF after college so even though there are a few of us who still see each other here (and there and of course through FB a lot of us have stayed in "contact") it will still be exciting to all get together and really catch up!
A few fun facts about my HS, the movie Dangerous Minds was shot on our campus, even though that school and Burlingame are worlds apart, I guess they liked the look of our school, I am slightly partial and think it's a beautiful campus. Also Diana Agron of Glee fame went to my HS, although she's a couple years younger so I never really "knew" her. ;)
Other than that I've just been enjoying the week so far, a fun day with my firsties on Monday and another lovely walk yesterday rounded out by working on some testing today at school.
Some pretties spotted on my walk.
Also I am totally LOVING my second great coat deal! I couldn't resist this beauty for half off at Old Navy, and for $20 it was worth every penny, it's a heavier trench so it can be worn all winter long and I've had really great luck with Old Navy coats in the past and this one seems to be made really well.
Happy Hump Day and can't wait to share my spooktacular outfit and Halloween events on Friday with all of you!!
XOXO-Miss V.